Immediately either player reaches the final hole even if this is during Way, to be the first to score 121 points. The aim of Cribbage is to be the first to move the pegs all the way upĪnd down the board twice and end in the in the game hole. Pegs move up the outside of one side of the board and then back down the The previous tally, the foremost peg recording the current score. Two pegs record the score for each player, the rear peg showing Parallel lines of 30 holes each plus 2 game holes. Scoring is normally recorded on a traditionally crafted board with four Masters Traditional games sells some high quality CribbageĬribbage is played with an ordinary pack of 52 cards without jokers. Handed cribbage, please see the bottom of this document. For five card cribbage, seven card cribbage and four
Most of this file describes six card cribbage, the most common two playerĬribbage game. Masters Games Printable Page Masters Traditional Games Rules of Cribbage Compliments of Masters Traditional Games Home Page – Features most popular cribbage boards for gifts, play or collecting.īoard Collection – Posts describing collectible vintage, and antique cribbage boards. Cribbage Boards For Sale Most Popular Pages: You can find a copy of free rules of cribbage below or visit Rules of Cribbage at to find additional information on the rules of cribbage such as books and game boards that include cribbage rules. This page is dedicated to the rules of cribbage.